Preserving Historic Charm


From neglect to beauty: Our systematic approach ensures the preservation of historic charm at every stage of the restoration process.




Here are the steps we took:

  1. Delicate Cleaning: We delicately brushed and vacuumed the walls, removing loose particles, mortar, and debris that have accumulated over time.

  2. Thorough Washing: Following the delicate cleaning, we proceed with a thorough hand washing. This step not only removes surface dirt but also prepares the canvas for the restoration process.

  3. Precision Repair: Our repair approach is guided by a commitment to maintaining the authenticity and character of the historic space. We address structural issues patching cracks, reinforcing weakened areas, or replacing damaged bricks as necessary. Our goal is to seamlessly blend any interventions while preserving the rugged historic look.


4. Finishing Touch: The final step in our restoration process involves the application of a protective polyurethane sealant. This sealant enhances the appearance of the restored space and provides a durable barrier against decay and environmental damage. By sealing the surface, we ensure that your historic space remains pristine and protected for years to come.



Ready to restore your historic space? Contact us today to discuss your restoration project. Let our skilled team bring out its timeless beauty, ensuring its preservation for generations to come.







Design & Renovation: Dana McMahan

Photography Credit: Andrew Kung



The Power of Tuck-Pointing


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