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Navigating Chimney Rebuild Challenges

This project presented a unique challenge that tested our expertise

The Challenge: Discontinued Bricks

The cracks in the crown allowed water to infiltrate, causing years of damage. However, the original brick had been discontinued, adding complexity to the restoration. Finding an exact match was difficult – color and texture were critical, but the discontinued status posed a challenge.

The Solution: Close Match with a Twist

Despite the adversity, we persevered. While a perfect match remained elusive, our diligent search yielded a close match in both color and texture. However, there was a twist – the size of the brick was different. To address this, we strategically divided the bricks along the roof line, ensuring that the variation in size was imperceptible.

The Rebuild Process: A Necessity for Longevity

Why did we choose a chimney rebuild over a simple repair? The answer lies in longevity. Water infiltration compromised structural integrity, making a complete rebuild the optimal solution to safeguard against future weather challenges.

Ready to safeguard your chimney against future challenges with our restoration services? Contact us today for a personalized consultation and let us help you preserve the integrity of your home.

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